Employee Engagement Survey


Employee engagement is critical to business success. Employees who feel motivated, valued and connected to your business will be more engaged and productive. They will offer your customers better service and are more loyal to your business – impact positively on your staff retention levels and bottom line.

Conducting a company-wide employee engagement survey will give you a true and accurate account of how engaged your employees are with your company, its culture and their own job. The insight gained from the survey will help you address any challenges and support your organisation’s strategic aims, so you can take your business where you want it to be.

Who should take the Survey?

For a truly accurate picture, you should consider surveying all of your staff, from customer-employee and operational teams to top level executives.

Alternatively, you could start by focusing on those departments or divisions that are not currently performing to your satisfaction and use the invalueable insights and feedback to assess and address any issues.

How can an employee engagement survey be rolled out?

Our employee engagement surveys are completed online and a paper-based questionnaire can also be used for employees in hard-to-reach locations. For maximum effectiveness, your senior managers or human resources team will firstly decide whether the survey should be rolled out across the whole company or targeted at specific groups.

Through a telephone or face-to-face consultation with Muhar & Associates and MIS & Associates representative, you will have the opportunity to review the base questionnaire and customise it to your business needs. We will submit a revised questionnaire for your approval and organise the initial email broadcast and a reminder to your staff.

It takes up to two weeks from the time the survey is closed to compile and analyse results and issue reports. All employee comments remain anonymous and the results can also be broken down by location, department, staff grade and years of service.

We can also recommend solutions to address any identified skills need.

What will the employee engagement survey measure?

An employee engagement survey measures much more than just your employees’ level of satisfaction in their job. It has approximately 55 closed questions and two open ones covering wide range of topics including:

  • Advance Opportunity
  • Total Compensation
  • Cust. & Quality Orientation
  • Empowerment
  • Company Culture
  • Leadship
  • Org. Communication
  • Supervision
  • Survey Reaction
  • Teamwork
  • Training
  • Work Demand
  • Working Condition
  • Recognition

We offer the option to tailor the questionnaire to your organisation’s specific needs. For example, we can also include feedback from external sources such as customers and suppliers, or other interested stakeholders.

How will your organisation benefit from an employee engagement survey?

Employee engagement surveys are not only designed to give you a comprehensive look at your organisation from the inside, but they also show employees that you are taking a genuine interest in them and their views.

They will give you invaluable insight on:
  • How your business is functioning from a variety of perspectives
  • Your organisation’s strengths and weaknesses when it comes to employee satisfaction, management effectiveness and performance, as well as processes and technology
  • The current skills gap that might be hindering your organisation’s growth

How will you use the survey's results?

The survey’s results will help you:
- Set specific actions to improve efficiency and performance across the organisation
- Make changes to your organisational growth strategy to avoid stagnation and capitalise on your existing employees’ competencies
- Improve employee retention, reducing your recruitment and retraining costs and making your company a more attractive employer
- Tackle your staff’s work/life balance and reduce absenteeism
- Identify relevant training and coaching to address any highlighted skills gaps
- Define or redefine your company values

How long would it take to run an employee engagement survey?

The diagram below explains a typical process and timelines:

Need to know more details, download the brochure now!
